papers 經評審委員會審查之學術期刊論文
(Second author with
Michael Andreae and Glen Norcliffe) "Performing the trade show: the
case of the Taipei international cycle show" Geoforum 49:193-201 |
2013 |
(corresponding author with Yen-hsing
Hsu) "State transformation, Policy Learning, and Exclusive Displacement
in the Process of Urban Redevelopment in Taiwan" Urban Geography 34(5): 677-698
2011 |
(corresponding author with Yu Zhou) "Divergent engagements: Comparing
the roles and strategies of Taiwanese and mainland
Chinese returnee entrepreneurs in the information
technology industry"
Global Networks 11(3): 398-419. |
2011 |
(corresponding author with Liling Huang) "From Cultural Building,
Economic Revitalization to Local Partnership? The
Changing Nature of Community Mobilization in Taiwan" International Planning Studies 16(2): 131-1500. |
2011 |
(first author with Lexin Lin) "The Leader Firms and the
Evolution of an Industrial District: A Case Study of
Hosiery District in Taiwan"
European Planning Studies 19(6): 1021-1041. |
2011 |
"State Transformation and Regional Development in
Taiwan: From Developmentalist Strategy to Populist
Subsidy" International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35(3): 600-619. |
2010 |
"Economic integration and the cross-Taiwan strait
reconciliation" Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 11(1): 137-144. |
2009 |
(first author with James Sidaway) "in-between sessions
at the AAG" Environment and Planning A 41(10): 2288-2292 |
2009 |
"The Spatial Encounter between Neoliberalism and
Populism: Regional Restructuring under the DPP Regime in
the Millennium Taiwan" Political Geography 28(5): 296-308. |
2009 |
(corresponding author with You-ren Yang and Chia-ho Ching) "Revisiting the Silicon Island? The Geographically Varied
"Strategic Coupling" in the Development of
High-technology Parks in Taiwan" Regional Studies 43(3): 369-384. |
2008 |
(first author with Jessie Poon and Henry Yeung) "External Leveraging and
Technological Upgrading Among East Asian Firms in the
United States" European Planning Studies 16(1): 99-118. |
2006 |
"The Dynamic Firm-Territory Nexus of Taiwanese
Informatics Industry Investments in China" Growth and Change 37(2): 230-254. |
2006 |
(first author with Pin-hsien Chen) "The Reluctant State Policy and the
Development of the Futures Trading Industry in Taiwan" Geography Research Forum Vol. 26: 115-137. |
2006 |
(corresponding author with Jessie Poon and Suh Jeongwook) "The geography of learning and
knowledge acquisition among Asian latecomers" Journal of Economic Geography 6(4): 541-559. |
2005 |
"A Site of Transnationalism in the "Ungrounded Empire":
Taipei as an Interface City in the Cross-border
Business Networks" Geoforum 36(5): 654-666. |
2004 |
(corresponding author with Alan Smart) "The Chinese
Diaspora, Foreign Investment, and Economic Development
in China" The Review of International Affairs 3(4): 544-566. Also appeared as Chapter 3 (pp. 38-60) in
China as a Rising World Power and its Response to
'Globalization'. Ed. By Ronald Keith. London: Routledge. |
2004 |
"The Evolving Institutional Embeddedness of a
Late-industrial District in Taiwan"
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 95(2): 218-232 (Journal of Economic and Social Geography). |
2002 |
(first author with Lu-lin Cheng ) "Revisiting Economic
Development in Post-War Taiwan: The Dynamic Process of
Geographical Industrialization" Regional Studies 36 (8): 897-908. |
2001 |
(與鄭陸霖合著)《全球在地化的地理學:跨界組織場域的統理》,都市與計畫 28(4): 391-411。 |
2001 |
《廠商的時空策略與動態學習:新竹科學園區積體電路工業為例》城市與設計 NO. 11/12:67-96。 |
2001 |
(corresponding author with AnnaLee Saxenian) "The Silicon Valley-Hsinchu
Connection: Technical communities and Industrial
Upgrading" Industrial and Corporate Change: 10 (4): 893-920 Special Theme: The Geography of Innovation and Economic Clustering. |
2000 |
(first author with AnnaLee Saxenian) "The Limits of Guanxi Capitalism:
Transnational Collaboration between Taiwan and the US" Environment and Planning A: 32 (11): 1991 – 2005. |
1999 |
《流動的鑲崁:新竹科學工業園區的勞動力市場與高科技發展》台灣社會研究季刊 NO. 35: 75-118。 |
1998 |
《邁向一個學習性的區域?台北─新竹高科技走廊的廠商聚集與技術學習》師大地理研究報告 NO. 29: 143-159 |
1997 |
《台灣積體電路工業發展歷程之研究:高科技、政府干預與人才回流》 台大地理學報 NO. 23: 33-48。 |
1997 |
(與夏鑄九合著)《台灣石化工業與地域性比較研究》台灣社會研究季刊 NO. 26: 129-166 |
1995 |
"The struggle over local space: a case study of the environmental movement in Taiwan" in Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 6(1): 113-24. |
Top |
Review articles &
Book chapters 評論論文與書本章節
(Second author with
Jung-ying chang and Tsu-lung Chou, in press) "State strategy and
industrial socio-economic practices in Taipei international trade
shows" in Temporary Knowledge Ecologies: The Rise and Evolution of Trade Fairs in Asia-Pacific (edited by Harald Bathelt). London: Edward Elgar.
(first author with Wei-hsiu Chang) "From state-led to developer-led? The dynamics of urban regeneration policies in Taiwan" in Companion to Urban Regeneration (edited by Michael Leary and John McCarthy). London: Routledge
2012 |
"Bring Politics Back in Corporate Geography: Reading Firm-Region Nexus Politically" in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography (edited by Trevor Barnes, Jamie Peck and Eric Sheppard). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. |
2011 |
(first author with Lexin Lin)"Shetou hosiery district: subsistent and
repositioning strategies" Chapter 9 (pp. 273-302) in The Second Great Transformation: Taiwanese Industrialization in the 1980s-2000s (edited by Reginald Yin-Wang Kwok). Taipei: Cheng-chi University Press. |
2010 |
"Towards a Late-industrial District: the Construction of Learning
Networks in Hsinchu-Taipei Corridor, Taiwan" Chapter 5 (pp. 89-110) in East Asia: A Critical Geography Perspective Ed. by Wing-Shing Tang and Fujio Mizuoka, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin Publishers. |
2009 |
"Economic geography: transnationalism and technology innovation" in The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 11: 400-403. Ed. by Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift, London: Elsevier. |
2009 |
"Economic geography: transnational ethnic networks" in The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 11: 383-387. Ed. by Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift, London: Elsevier. |
2007 |
(first author with Pin-hsien Chen) "Reluctant state, decentralized
markets and underdeveloped communities: the construction of the futures
trading industry in Taiwan" (pp. 173-197) in Perspectives on Services and Development in the Asia-Pacific. Eds. By Peter Daniel & James Harrington. Hampshire: Ashgate. |
2006 |
(corresponding author with AnnaLee Saxenian)"The Silicon Vally-Hsinchu
Connection: Technical Communities and Industrial Upgrading" Chapter 8
(pp.176- 199) in Clusters, Networks and Innovation. Ed. by Stefano Breschi and Franco Malerba. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
2006 |
"Review on Global Taiwan: Building Competitive Strengths
in a New International Economy" Economic Geography 82(2): 219-220. |
2005 |
「從移植到混血:台商大陸投資電子業的區域網絡化」收錄於《經濟全球化與台商大陸投資:策略、佈局與比較》第27-44頁,陳德昇主編,台北:晶典文化出版。 |
2005 |
(corresponding author with Reginald Yin-Wang Kwok) "Introduction: Asian
dragons, South China growth triangle, developmental governance and
globalizing Taipei" in Globalizing Taipei: Political Economy of Urban Development. Ed. By Reginald Yin-Wang Kwok. New York: Routledge. |
2005 |
"The evolution of economic base: from industrial city, post-industrial city to interface city" Chapter 1 (Pp. 16-34) in
Globalizing Taipei: Political Economy of Urban Development. Ed. By Reginald Yin-Wang Kwok. New York: Routledge. |
2004 |
"From Transfer to Hybridization: The Changing Organizations of
Taiwanese PC Investments in China" Chapter 8 (pp. 173-196) in Linking Industries Across the World: Processes of Global Networking. Eds. By Eike Schamp & Claes-Göran Alvstam. Hampshire: Ashgate. |
2004 |
"New Firm Formation and Technical Upgrading in Taiwanese Semiconductor
Industry: Is Petty Commodity Production Still Relevant to
High-Technology Development?" Chapter 8 (pp. 145-166) in Petty Capitalists and Globalization: Flexibility, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Eds. By Smart, Alan & Smart, Josephine. New York: State University of New York Press (SUNY Press). |
2003 |
"The Rise of the Interface City? The Role of Taipei City in the
Cross-Taiwan Strait Business Networks", Occasional Paper No. 35, the
Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies (CURS), Hong Kong Baptist
University |
2002 |
"Review on Tiger Technology" Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XL: 949-950, September 2002. |
2000 |
「台灣半導體產業技術發展歷程:國家干預、跨國社會網絡與高科技發展」收錄於《台灣產業技術發展史研究論文集》 (ISBN: 957-02-5908-6),pp. 101-132,高雄:國立科學工藝博物館。 |
Top |
Conference papers 研討會論文
2013 |
“The Old Wine in the
New Bottle? A Comparative Study between the EPZ and FEZ” 發表於the
Workshop on “Re-locating the East Asian Developmental States in their
Transnational Local Contexts”, Seoul, Korea, August 22-23, 2013
2013 |
“The Contradiction
between Geopolitical Calculation and Geoeconomic Strategies in the
Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” 發表於109th Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angels, USA,
April 9-13, 2013
““消費前衛、政治後衛”中國新富?中國海歸的政治經濟實踐研究初擬”發表於『第四屆海峽兩岸新經濟地理學學術研討會』,台中,台灣, July 1-3, 2012
(邀請keynote演講)“特區化與高科技產業:從發展到尋租?”發表於「科學園區30年──發展典範或迷思」研討會,台灣科技與社會研究學會主辦,June 17, 2012
“Recovery of
Taiwan’s economy with Chinese characteristics? The politics of the
cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)” 發表於the
Global Conference of Regional Studies Association, Beijing, China, June
22-26, 2012
“State strategy and
industrial socio-economic practices in Taipei international trade
shows” 發表於Asia-Pacific Trade Fair Conference, Shanghai, China, May
22-24, 2012
Integration as Antidote to Economic Tsunami? The Politics of
Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in Taiwan”
發表於108th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New
York, USA, February 22-28, 2012
“Competition or
Cooperation: Returnees and Locals in China’s Technology
Entrepreneurship” 發表於the 6th meeting of the East Asian Regional
Conferences in Alternative Geographies (EARCAG), Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, February 13-16, 2012
“From State-led to
Developer-led? The Dynamics of Urban Renewal Policies in Taiwan” 發表於the
6th International Critical Geography Conference, Frankfurt, Germany,
August 16-20, 2011
2011 |
“State Transformation and the Mutation of Urban Renewal Policies in
Taiwan” in the 2nd International Conference in Political Economy,
Istanbul, Turkey, May 20-22, 2011. |
2010 |
Invited speech “Institutionalized Economic Cooperation and the
Cross-Taiwan Strait Reconciliation” 發表於Conference of the Development on
Cross-Strait Relations in a New Era of Negotiation, Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, Washington DC, July 7-8, 2010. |
2010 |
“Bring the Politics Back in: Reading Firm-Territory Nexus Politically”
發表於 Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010,
Pécs, Hungary, May 24-26, 2010. |
2010 |
“Reflexive Firms and Learning Region? Asymmetric Power in Technical
Community” 發表於106th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Washington DC, USA, April 14-18, 2010. |
2009 |
Panelist in “Latecomer Technological Upgrading and Global Production
Networks” 105th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Las Vegas, USA, March 22-27, 2009. |
2009 |
“From Nation Building, Economic Revitalization and Flanking
Governmentality? The Changing Community Discourses in Taiwan after the
1990s” 發表於105th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Las Vegas, USA, March 22-27, 2009. |
2008 |
“The Transformation of Rural Industrialization in Taiwan: Subsistent
and Repositioning Strategies in the Shetou Hosiery District” 發表於the 5th
meeting of the East Asian Regional Conferences in Alternative
Geographies (EARCAG), Seoul, December 13-16, 2008. |
2008 |
Invited speech “The Dynamic Strategies of Taiwanese Investments in
China: Twenty Years on” 發表於The Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki,
Finland, August 20, 2008. |
2008 |
“The Divergent Dynamics of Networking in the Transformation of Rural
Industrialization in the Taiwanese Hosiery Industrial District” 發表於the
20th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of
Socio-Economics (SASE), San Jose, Costa Rica, July 21-23, 2008. |
2008 |
“The Unexpected Convergence of Neo-liberalism and Neo-populism in
Taiwan: the Regional Transformation under the Democratic Progress Party
Regime” 發表於104th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Boston, USA, April 15-19, 2008. |
2008 |
“State Transformation and Regional Development in Taiwan: From
Developmentalist Strategy to Populist Subsidy” 發表於the Workshop on
Regional Competitiveness Policy, sponsored by the Department of Public
Administration, Korea University, February 28-29, 2008, Seoul, Korea. |
2007 |
“Transnationalism and Technology Transfer” 發表於the Second Global
Conference on Economic Geography, sponsored by the Institute of
Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, June 25-28, 2007, Beijing, China. |
2007 |
(與You-ren Yang共同發表) “From OEM to own brand-name: the organizational
governance and territorial extension/embeddedness of Taiwanese PC
production-distribution networks in China” 發表於the Second Global
Conference on Economic Geography, sponsored by the Institute of
Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, June 25-28, 2007, Beijing, China. |
2007 |
Invited Keynote Speech “Taipei as a Creative City in the Cross-border
Innovative Networks? Silicon Valley-Taipei-Shanghai Triangular
Connection” in The Second Industrial Cluster Day, sponsored by the
Ministry of Industry. Seoul, Korea, June 7-8, 2007.. |
2007 |
“(與Le-Xin Lin共同發表) “The Contradictory Dynamics of Flexibility in the
Transformation of Rural Industrialization in the Taiwanese Hosiery
Industrial District” 發表於103rd Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, San Francisco, USA, April 17-21, 2007. |
2007 |
“Alternative China studies: an economic geographical perspective”
發表於103rd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San
Francisco, USA, April 17-21, 2007. |
2007 |
(與You-ren Yang, Chia-ho Ching共同發表) “Revisiting the Silicon Island? The
Divergent Institutional and Spatial Embeddedness in the Development of
High-technology Parks in Taiwan” 發表於103rd Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, USA, April 17-21,
2007. |
2006 |
“The Spatial Encounter between Neo-liberalism and Neo-populism:
Regional Restructuring under the DPP Regime in the Millennium Taiwan”
發表於the 4th meeting of the East Asian Regional Conferences in
Alternative Geographies (EARCAG), Taipei, June 24-30, 2006. |
2006 |
“From Regional Collaboration to Regional Fragmentation:
Neo-liberalization, State Transformation, and Scale Politics in Taiwan”
發表於102nd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Chicago, USA, March 07-11, 2006. |
2006 |
(與Yu Zhou共同發表) “Divergent engagements: Comparing the roles and
strategies of Taiwan and mainland Chinese expatriate entrepreneurs in
the information technology industry” 發表於102nd Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, March 07-11, 2006. |
2006 |
“Puzzles and Developments of Economic Geography in Taiwan: Or Why
Taiwanese Geographers were SO Conservative?” 發表於102nd Annual Meeting of
the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, March 07-11,
2006. |
2005 |
“The geography of technological learning and practice among Asian
latecomers” 發表於the Inaugural Nordic Geographers Meeting , Lund, Sweden,
May 10-14, 2005. |
2005 |
(與陳品先共同發表) “From Financial Depression to Financial Deregulation? The
Construction of Futures Trading Industry in Taiwan” 發表於101st Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, USA, April
05-09, 2005. |
2005 |
“External Leveraging and Technological Upgrading Among East Asian Firms
in the United States” 發表於101st Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Denver, USA, April 05-09, 2005. |
2004 |
“Reluctant State, Decentralized Market, and Late-developing Community:
The Construction of Futures Trading Industry in Taiwan” 發表於Residential
Conference, IGU Commission of the Dynamics of Economic Spaces,
Birmingham, UK, August 9-13, 2004. |
2004 |
“How to Go beyond Late-development? The Collective Learning strategies
of Latecomer firms in Taiwan’s High-technology Industries” 發表於100th
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
Philadelphia, USA, March 14-19, 2004. |
2003 |
“The Chinese Diaspora, Foreign Investment, and Economic Development in
China” 發表於Annual Residential Conference on “New Economic Spaces, New
Economic Geographies”, Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Space,
International Geographical Union, Vancouver, Canada, August 11-15, 2003. |
2003 |
“Nodal City in the “Ungrounded Empire”: Taipei as an Interface City in
the Cross-border Business Networks” 發表於 the International Conference On
Alternative Geographies of Asia in the New Millennium, Osaka, August
5-9, 2003. |
2003 |
“From Industrial City, Post-industrial City to Interface city: The
Scalar Jump of Economic Bases of Globalizing Taipei” 發表於99th Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, USA,
March 5-March 8, 2003. |
2002 |
“From Hsinchu to Shanghai: The Politics of Scale in the Cross-Taiwan
Strait Investments in the High-technology Industries” 發表於Annual
Residential Conference on “Industry in a Networked World: Making Sense
of Globalization”, Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Space,
International Geographical Union, Johannesburg, South Africa, July
29-August 3, 2002. |
2002 |
“From Transfer to Hybridization: The Changing Organizations of
Taiwanese PC Investments in China” 發表於98th Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, USA, March 19-March
24, 2002. |
2001 |
“From Hsinchu to Shanghai: The Governing of Cross-Border Production
Networks in Taiwan’s High Technology Industry” 發表於 the International
Conference On Alternative Geographies of Asia in the New Millennium,
Hong Kong, December 5-9, 2001. |
2001 |
「介面的經濟地理意義:矽谷─新竹─蘇滬的跨界連結」發表於『第三屆海峽兩岸地理學學術研討會』,2001年8月12日,上海,中國。 |
2001 |
“The Silicon Valley-Hsinchu Connection:Technical Communities and
Industrial Upgrading”發表於『台灣高科技產業人力問題研討會』,中壢,中央大學產業經濟系,2001年4月14日。 |
2001 |
“How the Top-down Developmental State Meet the Bottom-up Social
Networks? The Lesson from Hsinchu-Silicon Valley Connection” 發表於Songdo
Techno Park International Symposium: Techno Park, Innovation, and
Regional Development, Incheon, Korea,March 30, 2001. |
2001 |
“The Dynamic Institutionalism of Taiwan’s Late-industrial District in
the Globalization Process” 發表於97th Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, New York City, USA, February 27-March 3, 2001. |
2001 |
“How the Top-down Developmental State Meet the Bottom-up Social
Networks? The Lesson from Hsinchu-Silicon Valley Connection” 發表於Second
Globalization Forum, Sanya City, Hainan Province, China,
三亞市,海南省,中國,January 12-14, 2001. |
2000 |
“Towards a Late-industrial District: the Construction of Learning
Networks in Hsinchu-Taipei Corridor, Taiwan” 發表於Global Conference on
Economic Geography, sponsored by the Department of Geography, The
National University of Singapore, Singapore, December 5-9, 2000. |
2000 |
“Revisiting Economic Development in Post-War Taiwan: The Dynamic
Process of Geographical Industrialization” 發表於the 2nd International
Critical Geography Conference, Taegu, Korea, August 9-13, 2000. |
2000 |
「台灣半導體技術發展歷程:對海峽兩岸技術合作發展的可能性探討」發表於『海峽兩岸科技發展之比較研討會』,清華大學台灣研究所主辦, 2000年6月8─10日,天津,中國。 |
2000 |
(co-author with AnnaLee Saxenian) “The Limits of Guanxi Capitalism:
Transnational Collaboration between Taiwan and the US” 發表於96th Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, USA,
April 4-8, 2000. |
1999 |
「台灣半導體產業技術發展歷程:國家干預、跨國社會網絡與高科技發展」發表於『台灣產業技術發展史研究』學術研討會,1999年12月28-29日,國立科學工藝博物館,高雄。 |
1999 |
「廠商的時空策略與動態學習:新竹科學園區積體電路工業為例」發表於『間別千年:臨界空間與社會』國際學術研討會,1999年12月11-12日,東海大學社會系,台中。 |
1999 |
(co-author with AnnaLee Saxenian) “Transnational Entrepreneurs and
Regional Industrialization: The Silicon Valley-Hsinchu
Connection”發表於1999 annual conference, Association of Collegiate Schools
of Planning, Chicago, USA, Oct. 21-24 1999. |
1999 |
「流動的鑲崁:新竹科學工業園區的勞動力市場與高科技發展」發表於『海峽兩岸地理學學術研討會』,1999年8月21日-27日,中國地理學會,台北。 |
1999 |
(co-author with AnnaLee Saxenian) ‘The Silicon Valley-Hsinchu
Connection:Technical Communities and Industrial Upgrading’
發表於International Symposium on “East Asian Economy and Japanese Industry
at a Turning Point” sponsored by the Research Institute of
International Trade and Industry, Ministry of International Trade and
Industry(日本通產省), Tokyo, Japan, June 16-17 1999. |
1994 |
(與陳麗瑛合著)「區域經濟理論與分析方法」發表於香港大學亞洲研究中心主辦『走向二十一世紀中國經濟區域化研討會』。 |
Top |
papers 非學術審查論文
2011 |
「社會住宅論壇導言」發表於『台灣社會研究季刊』81期:463-467。 |
2011 |
「市民城市權論述的建構:找回城市的使用價值」發表於『台灣社會研究季刊』81期:469-476。 |
2009 |
(與陳光興合著)「異議思想二十年」發表於『台灣社會研究季刊』74期:273-298。 |
2009 |
「災難資本主義:掀開新自由主義的反民主積累假面,序:『震盪主義』」,台北:時報出版社。 |
2008 |
主編台社叢書『異議』上、下兩冊,台北:唐山出版社。 |
2008 |
「兩岸經濟整合與大和解的可能」發表於『台灣社會研究季刊』72期:205-212。 |
Top |